Sunday, August 26, 2012

We Are

Today is the last day of Summer. Usually I'd be dreading it, but this time I'm actually anxious for school. My life is about to get rolling!
I started off my last day of Summer at church. I met some new people and enjoyed worship. Most of the time worship is where I feel the Lord speak to me the most in a church service. I just love music and I think He knows that. Don't get me wrong, sermons have such a powerful purpose too. Speaking of sermons.. haha in the one I listened to today we read through Matthew 5. At two completely different points of the message, relating to two completely different things, Matthew 5:14 was brought up. "You are the light of the world" // that's talking about us ya'll! 
If you know me you know that I love Kari Jobe so immediately this song started playing in my crazy little head. 
But even more than that, tomorrow is the first day of school (for most of us anyway). For those of us who are in Christ, we are called to be just that.. a light! We hear it all the time but this morning my eyes were opened to a little different perspective. What good is it to be a light in an area that's already lit up? We are called to go out into the world into the areas of darkness so that we can shine that light we've been given. I don't know about ya'll but I am SO excited to get this year rolling and to start things in my new surroundings with new people.
We had a pep rally tonight and now I am relaxing because tomorrow things are going to start to get CRAZY. I have stuff pretty much every day/night of the week. We'll see what the weekend holds..

But anyways, I'm praying for everyone who will be starting school this week. 
I'd love to hear how everyone's first week goes! And to all of the people who have been wanting to hear how my first days go feel free to call me! I love phone calls. And it will probably be easier for me to share with you haha. Tomorrow my only class is Strutters but Tuesday and Thursdays are rough so call me anytime after my classes on Tuesday to get an update.
This is all a little strange starting over as an upperclassmen when most people get that chance as a freshman. It was such a crazy ride up until this point, but I'm extremely thankful all that craziness made me end up where I am now. 

But the Lord says do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. -- watch all the new things He is going to do! Isaiah 43:19 

Harder said than done, but I'm ready Lord!

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