Wednesday, November 30, 2011

As a Child of God

I've always had an understanding for young girls because well, I was one at some point and I know what a dark and messed up world we are brought up in. A lot of the times it's hard to see the light.
The way I've been raised and the situations and trials God has put me in have all molded me. They have also made me grow up very quickly. While this may be true, I still have an immense amount of growing to do.

Girls ; hopeless romantics . God created us as an object of His love. He also created us to crave that love. The thing is, often times we go searching for what we're craving in all of the wrong places. Time and time again we will come up empty and heartbroken and wonder what the heck happened. Even still, it could seem like we are still focused on our Father but He may still just want more from us. And He deserves it!

Tip for the Gentleman - Be just that to a woman you are trying to pursue. a GENTLE.MAN.  If you haven't noticed, God created girls completely different than boys. We are emotional human beings. With that, we are fragile. You may be macho and tough, but truth is most women aren't. It's just something you can notice in behaviors just by watching. We both react to situations totally different. If you are a christian guy trying to pursue a pure christian girl, please realize what a jewel you are about to chase after. Do not take that quest lightly.

Girls, DO NOT SETTLE. I cannot tell you how many times I see people posting "Gosh, I wish I had a boyfriend" or even, yes we've all seen it .. girls chasing after other people's boyfriends. First of all, do not be either girl. Whining is not attractive and neither is portraying yourself as a slut.   - Speaking of how you carry yourselves, as a woman we are designed to illuminate the majesty of Christ with our beauty. If you go back to Genesis and look at Eve, she was the crown of creation. As a woman, YOU ARE THE VERY ESSENCE OF BEAUTY. That's how God made us ladies. Don't tarnish what God created you to be. Don't be the girl who tries to attention or tries to make your ex-boyfriend "see what he's missing" because that too will just make you look like a fool. Back to not being one to settle.. set standards. Don't change them for anyone. We are God's chosen Princesses and there IS, believe it or not, a guy out there who is going to treat you like a God fearing man should, wait for him.

Guys, secret to scoring a beautiful Godly woman? Being a Godly man. - Now there's a shocking concept. Also, Song of Solomon 2:7 tells us (yes men, you too) "Do not awaken or arouse love before its proper time."  Do yourself and the girl you're about to seek a favor and do not go after her until you are ready to accept all that comes with being in a relationship.Simply put. Just don't. - When God tells your heart and mind the time is right, date her as a man of God. YOU go and ask her out. YOU open every door she comes in contact with so she doesn't have to. YOU pay for the date. YOU pray over her when the date is done. As a man, you are a leader. Not being a leader (and a godly one at that) is a major turnoff. If God makes you lucky enough to be able to take her out again, you treat her like the Princess God made her throughout the duration, whatever that may mean. And for crying out loud, do not try to get in her pants. - I know for a fact not all guys are like that, I've come across plenty classy men in my day so don't use your gender as an excuse. I'm not classifying all guys as people that would do something like that because I know they're not. Thank you to the awesome examples in my life who are still teenagers and setting the bar high.
On that note,- I'll give the guys a break- girls we take on some responsibility too. If guys are going to have to take on the role of being a godly gentleman to be with us, we have to help them out. Be that Proverbs 31 woman. Also, don't purposefully tease or tempt a guy. I know sometimes we do things without realizing, we really need to be more conscious as a gender the message we are sending across the boys of our generation. Do not show off all of your goodies, nobody wants to see that .. thank you. Be classy ladies! We are so much better than that. I know sometimes there's situations that even I go through. My size makes it extremely difficult to find clothes that fit me correctly, but it's straight up noticeable when you're trying to get attention. sorry.
Boys, there is something about girls and their image.. I couldn't tell you what our problem is. It could very well have to do with the media telling us what is socially acceptable. I don't know. Whether she is your girlfriend, friend, or somebody you don't even know .. do NOT comment on her weight unless it is something flattering and genuine. You have no idea what it does to a girl's self esteem.
Girls, I know you all watched the Victoria's Secret fashion show last night. Please do not think you have to be exactly like them. God truly did create you beautiful and in His image.
This is often times the case, and so many of us want to try to be what we think is "beautiful".

I don't really have the guy's side to this because I'm a girl, so don't get all butthurt ;) haha guys I am welcome for comments or private messages, so lay 'em on me. I'd love to know what you have to say.

Whoever you are, girl OR boy .. you are worth the wait and God made you precious.
He has a plan for all of us, be patient and faithful to His calling for you. 

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