Tuesday, January 11, 2011


For the past semester I have been working as a tumbling coach / babysitter for Element Tumble and Cheer. I just recently took up the position of the hip hop director at American Dance Company at the San Antonio and Bulverde location. Adding another job to the mix is making my life extremely hectic. I'm still on winter break and I have NO free time during the week days. I guess it's something that comes with having a job .. but some days I start work at 2:00 and dont get home until around 10:00 at night. Having school about to start back up, that is not okay. - That being said, in about two weeks I will no longer be devoting all of my time to the Element job, but will continue as the hip hop director.
 Some of these kids I've gotten really close to , so it's not going to be easy leaving.
Most people don't enjoy having kids climb all over them, or having to carry kids who hurt themselves, or twirl kids in circles because they're bored, or listen to every child tattle-tale on eachother.  - That was my job, and while it may not sound like the job every person wants , it was GREAT for me. God blessed me with patience for kids. [Well,most of the time..] haha I'm not perfect. But these kids were so much fun.

I'm a week into my hip hop gig, and it's already proving to be amazing. This morning I woke up with a bruise on my leg the size of a baseball. It was AWESOME. I haven't had one of those puppies since high school haha. Bruises have always made me feel accomplished when it came to dance, it meant I wasn't holding back. I'm starting fresh with new groups of kids, even in a new city as I take on teaching classes in Bulverde. It's just new and so far I love it.
Please continue to pray for direction,patience and wisdom as I teach these kids. <3

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