Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This week started out as a total bust. I'm pretty sure everyone who has encountered with me knows I've been bummed, so I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself because there's nothing I can do about it! Haha but this week I've gotten to hang out with other people and it's been different.
I can tell God is putting new people in my life, and I'm loving it. Friendships with people who share your faith are so much different than any other friendships. God has even placed people in my life that I haven't even met face to face, yet they are a huge source of encouragement to me.

As believers, even just simply as FRIENDS.. we need to encourage one another. I don't think we do that enough. I think people underestimate the power of encouragement. I've seen what it does, and honestly I love to encourage other people. IT JUST FEELS GOOD. - the text message from your friend that you totally weren't expecting but it made your day, the wall post that the cutest boy ever just posted on your wall for the whole world to see, the simple act of spending time with someone who needs it, the positive thoughts you share with someone who is thinking negatively.   I'm not the best at all of those, but I know the feeling whenever people make me feel special and encourage me and give me strength.    I think really good friends do that.

I suppose I can rant about that in another blog.. ANYWAYS 4th of July I began by spending it with my family. It was pretty special this year, I got to spend time with my cousin who is in the military and got to come home and visit :) Then I spent most of the night time with the Kingery family. Always good times there. For sure.
Then tonight I got to have dinner with a bunch of my mom's side of the family which is usually a little crazy, but hey. It was fun I guess haha. It's been pretty eventful.
Tomorrow I leave for the beach. I have mixed feelings haha I absolutely LOVE the beach. It's just so beautiful and relaxing, but it would be such a different experience with my bestie alongside me.  I'll try to update while I'm at the beach! I haven't posted on here in a while, life has sort of been out of whack, but maybe I'll slide back into things soon.

Benjamin, if you read this I hope you're having a great time in Alaska schooling Asians in ping pong competitions. I miss you SO much and am praying you return home safely to me! I love you.


  1. I love reading your blog. I know you only posted it, like, two minutes ago, but seriously. It's awesome. Thanks for much for being there for me last night when things didn't go so well. You knew exactly what to say and how to handle it. That's why you're one of my best friends. I love you, friend. I don't know what I'm going to do without you here for the next few days. It saddens me, but I guess I'm going to have to deal. Have fun :)

  2. have the best time at the beach! you and i are both sticking our feet in the sand and swimming in the same ocean, but we're a few (hundred) miles away. how cool. love you!
