Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To my husband:

Most of you aren't going to finish this post because it gets long and tedious towards the end. Seriously. Most obnoxious blog ever, but if anyone has ever wanted to get a glimpse inside the sort of things I write in my journal .. here you are.This is for my future husband, so it doesn't really pertain to any of you reading this except maybe one person. Just want my future husband out there to know I'm thinking of him today! <3

First of all, this is all Lord willing I have a husband. My friend Taylor and I joke that we're going to be nuns.. our wish may come true, who knows haha! Yikes.  Anyways..
To my husband, I legitimately have days where I have started to miss you .. and I don't even know if we've met yet. SO strange to me. I've also already started to pray for you. I've prayed for you before, but even more so since the bringing in of 2012. Today is Valentine's day and I'm praying for you all day and even fasting some! You're that important to me. I think I do a pretty good job at making people I care about feel important, and I know that you're going to do the same for me. Not because I ask you to, but because you WANT to! I know you're going to have the sweetest heart.
Looking back on this day, I want you to know how I prayed for you.

I pray that you will recognize when the enemy tries to mess with any part of your life, and that you fight back with full force, letting him gain nothing. Praying 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 over you.
I pray that you will glorify God in every little thing that you do, that you will obey the Lord and that you would serve his people from the genuineness of your heart. Praying John 7:17-18 and Colossians 3:23-24 over you.
I pray that your talents and time are dedicated to our Savior and that they are manifested in your life, career, church and home.
I pray that you are a man of prayer. That is SO important to me. I hope you seek after God and His purpose for you at all times. Praying 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Luke 22:46, and James 5:16 over you.
I pray that you take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising and keep me accountable to do so as well. I think being workout partners/ health freaks together could potentially be fun! (: 1 Cor. 6:19-20 !
I pray that you will stand against satan's attacks and that you would fight for what is right. Be courageous and protect our family against any plans the enemy has. Praying Ephesians 6:13 over you.
I pray that you balance your time wisely. I pray you invest more time with God and your family above anything else.
I pray that if we have kids, that you're a great father; discipling but loving LOTS. I know you will be! Praying Ephesians 6:4 and Colossians 3:21 over you.
I pray that you will submit every detail of your life to the Lord. Learning how to find joy and peace in the stressful times. Praying Proverbs 17:22 and Psalm 16:11 over you.
I pray that you will not get involved in things such as pornography or ANYTHING immoral. Huge make or break it deal for me. I pray that your thoughts consist of whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable.
I pray that you will not be one to get angry easily and that you let God control your responses to difficult situations.Praying Romans 14:19 over you.
I pray that you can see life in an eternal light. That you would reject the materialism of this world and put God first. Praying Matthew 6:33 and Deuteronomy 6:5 over you. 

I pray for your physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual strength. Praying Ephesians 3:16 over you.
I pray that you choose your friends wisely. Choose friends that will encourage your accountability to God, that respect our marriage, that will not lead you to commit any sins. Praying Proverbs 13:20 and Proverbs 27:17 over you.
I pray that you're a man who speaks words of love. Cussing is a mmaajjoorr turnoff for me, and I'm no longer going to look past that aspect in my relationships. I don't want to be surrounded by filth and I sure as heck don't want my children to be. Praying Ephesians 4:29 and Proverbs 18:21 over you.
I pray that you will have wisdom when it comes to financial decisions and that you would not live selfishly and work hard to provide for our family.
I pray that you are a humble servant that desires to do God's will.
I pray that you safely guard your heart against any inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex and that your heart will be fully committed to me as I will be to you.And I pray that your heart is pure.Praying Proverbs 6:23-24 , Proverbs 6:26 and Romans 13:14 over you.

I pray that you honor our wedding vows and constantly look for ways to make it improve.
I pray that you are a man who practices forgiveness. I know we're both going to mess up sometimes so forgiveness is key.Lastly and maybe even most importantly, I pray that you are a spiritual leader for me and for our family.Push me to be a better Christian woman and continually grow in your faith and relationship with the Lord. Never settle for mediocrity.

Yeah so.. I kind of prayed for you a LOT. I love you SO much and can't wait to do fun things together and see how God uses us to better His kingdom.

I got a glimpse into the future, this is us.
HAH! Ok, so this is Kari Jobe and Ryan Edgar buuuut I can dream. It would also be really fun if you danced with me.Those two things are of least importance on my list, I may be able to overlook those ;)

Faithfully yours


  1. In a word... awesome! You are an amazing young woman, and I can't wait to meet the man God has placed here for you.

  2. That is awesome. I did a similar thing back in high school. I was dating this total jerk and was talking with my youth pastor's wife about what to do. She told me to write out what I wanted in my husband. That night I spent hours pouring through my Bible and compiling a list and praying over that list.
    I realized that "booty-head" was not the man for me. About 5 months later I went off to UNT and met Mitchell. He was all that I needed in my husband and the Lord has blessed us with 4 years of marriage and a little bundle of blessing on the way!
    The Lord is faithful!
