Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First Post of 2013

Hello lovelies!
I am currently one of "those people" who is on a little break from social media. -- I'm just doing mine for the rest of the week, I knew it would be a smart thing to do, I need it right now. This is my first complete day without checking my facebook, twitter or instagram. It is very freeing, it is also slightly driving me insane. When I'm bored (or even when I'm not bored) I love interacting with people through all of my little social media outlets. Blogging may even be considered social media, but I'm not necessarily interacting with people so here I am.

Obviously I've had a little more free time. I'm trying to move all of my music from my family's computer + a bunch of music my friends send me on a regular basis to my iTunes library. This means listening to and analyzing a lot of songs. During school I felt like I barely had time for myself to do that, so this is nice.

 That's my journal over there on the left. Excuse some of my handwriting, it changes every day so I never know what it's going to look like. Along with my personal notes to my Daddy, I write lyrics (from whatever style of music speaks to me that day) or sayings or stuff like that. This is today's.
TODAY is my revival. I've been holding onto a lot that I'm ready to start letting go of. Maybe I'll write about it one day. We shall see.
For now, if you keep reading, you'll find out how is God speaking to and pushing me these days.

Since we last talked, I had a white Christmas. It was wonderful. My family didn't open any presents on Christmas this year so it didn't really feel like Christmas, but it was still fun seeing the family and playing in snow.

My New Year(s)? haha was also very chill, which I loved. There was just three of us, we played Just Dance 4 literally all night/morning. We took a break at midnight and watched fireworks and drank some fun bubbly drinks. Then proceeded to play Just Dance 4. We also played other games and had a little photo sesh throughout the night. So laid back. (And we burned a bunch of calories! What more do you want?) I was dead.

New Years Day for as long as I can remember my family goes to one of our church family's houses. A bunch of families go and play football and eat and WE SING. Which I love and always look forward to. It happens without fail. The lady of the family was actually one of my choir teachers at church when I was in elementary school and she was the first person to (literally) force me to sing on a microphone. She has played such a big part of my life because of her encouraging me to express myself with worship, which is still one of my favorite things.

To bring in the New Year I started a new book and devotional. I'm not a big reader.. at all. The only kind of books that can keep my attention are not books you read for entertainment, which is odd, but I love me some devotional/ christian living type books. LOVE 'em. I'm currently reading Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. The Lord is already doing things in my life through this book -- one of them being my little break from social media.

The book basically started out by calling me out on my obsessive thoughts. Majority of girls (Maybe even boys! -- I don't know because I've never understood the male mind) have them, whether it be wanting a better body, more acceptance from the people around you, attention from a boy (or girl) or money to buy material things -- if you just had this it would make you happy. I am guilty of a lot of those, to the point where they control my life. I think about them 24/7 and they affect a lot of my life decisions. It's exhausting being controlled by the things consuming the forefront of your mind. The fact that any of those things listed above could satisfy you once you had them .. is a lie. And the obsessiveness? It needs to be replaced by something not of this world.. The One who made it.
The Made To Crave devotional is a little different and focuses on craving God and not food. Whether you overeat or have a eating disorder or you just want to come along for the ride of trying to glorify your Father with that beautiful temple that is your body, it's an awesome motivator. I have also fasted from one of my ..famous "food groups" if you will. I say this to encourage you. Push yourself to do what you need to do to be healthy, and if you don't have the will power get a friend to help you along!

I will try to keep yall up with my progress and what I learn throughout my Made To Crave experience. If any of you decide to start reading and acting on Made To Crave I would love to hear from you!

Hope you are all having a great start to your new year!

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