Friday, October 15, 2010

BOO! [bies].

 Some of you may know this amazing lady below.Yeah,that's my mom aka: Vern  aka: My hero.She has been awesom throughout her cancer battle,and I'm so proud of her.Prayers are always appreciated,we hope that she gets to end this fight with this nasty disease SOON! If you want to help support / spread my family's story visit
I'm sure you've seen or heard all the ruccus. October is usually connected to pumpkins and Halloween and whatnot .. this year October has a totally different meaning for me. It's breast cancer awareness month. This is a topic very close to my heart [no pun intended].
 Around March of this year, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer.I thought that was tough..then on May 15th it got a lot more shaky when my mom told us she too had been diagnosed with breast cancer. My world was forever changed. I've had many experiences with friends and family having cancer, so I thought I knew what to expect.I was wrong. Nobody can ever say they "know what you're going through" unless they've experienced their own parent dealing with cancer firsthand.
   Watching someone be in so much pain scares the living daylights out of me.Especially when it's my own mom, one of the people who could always make me feel better by giving me medicine or doing other motherly things like simply kissing my booboos to make them go away. Now she's the one who's sick and there's nothing I can do about it. It sucks. It's not something you can just give her some medicine and she's good to go. The weeks alternate on how she feels,some weeks she just straight up throws up everything she has eaten,which you probably didn't want to hear, but you know in that situation there's nothing a person can do. Other days she's stuck in bed because she's in so much pain from her chemo. Everyone around her is helpless.
    I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through this nightmare.
GIRLS; please please please take care of yourself. Check yourself. And older women,make sure to schedule your yearly mammograms , it can save your life.
*treasure your chest*

Every sixty-nine seconds a woman dies of breast cancer, but believe it or not , women aren't the only ones who can be diagnosed with breast cancer.Men can get it too! No matter  the gender of the person diagnosed,it completely changes the lives of those who love that person.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alex, I have been praying for your mom everyday, I hope that she has more good days than bad ones. I know exactly what you are going through, what we are both experiencing is one "ginormous roller coaster" (it's what I like to call it) but I know that our mommies will be okay. I pray for the best and that everything gets better soon! I hope you are doing well. I'm here if you need anything!

    <3 Amy :]
