Thursday, August 11, 2011

"We are emotional people.  There is something about music and worship that just evokes something that is deep in our spirits.  It just moves our emotions.  We are emotional and God knows that." - Kari Jobe

My Kari Jobe stalking of the week has proved to be useful today.. hah.
I feel like I'm in such a weird place right now. In life, in relationships, in emotions. Nobody understands, not trying to be emo haha but nobody does! It's truth. I'm to the point where I don't even know why I feel what I feel. I just sat here and listened to song upon song about Jesus and I started listening to one in particular , I was looking at pictures of my Nonni / watching the SYTYCD finale / staring at my phone / thinking about life and BOOM like the emotional person I have began to become I lost it. I have heard this song more times than you could imagine, why it just smacked me in the face today after years of listening to it .. I have no idea.
I've come to realize that I can tell myself that the world has nothing for me, nobody will ever love me like my Heavenly Father and try to be ok with it but even after telling myself that a thousand times it still seems so out of reach and unfathomable ... BECAUSE IT IS! I will never understand His love, but it's there and I'm in awe of it. Absolutely IN.AWE. and I know people say it all the time but I haven't even experienced a slight glimpse of what is to come. I am SO THIRSTY for God, His presence and His love. 

Thank You Lord for for giving me emotions [no matter how annoying they can be and how complicated they make things] and for speaking to me through music. 

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