Monday, March 28, 2011

From The Bottom Of My Heart

Ahhhh what a crazy weekend. Friday I turned 19 years old. - not gna lie, I don't feel any older. I'm 19 and still order off the kid's menu at restaurants.
Saturday night I was privileged to have a friend throw a little get together for my birthday. That was extremely sweet, and it turned out to be pretty fun. Just a little group of some friends together turned out to be pretty great.
Sunday morning came way too early as I opened my eyelids at 5:30 am. I don't even get up that early for school.. ridiculous. Anyways, we set up sound for CBC New Braunfels and stood back as Puresound lead worship, which is always a good way to start your day.      
After I finished up in New Braunfels I went to CBC main campus where I did some set up for my mom's event. After busying myself with that task I had rehearsal for the Easter service. Once I started that I was running back and forth between that and practice for my mom's event.     By that time I was ready to explode. But I went to my mom's fundraiser/celebration and was overwhelmed by all the amazing people who came and supported us. It meant SO much. Truly, it did. The night turned out great. Sure I'm exhausted as I'm typing this from all of yesterday's events but I wanted to make sure to get this out there.
THANK YOU to those of you who were able to come last night. You blessed my family, and we pray that you are blessed in return.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


On March 25th , 19 years ago, I came into the world.  God sent me here for a reason.
 Since I turned eighteen last year, so many monumental moments have occurred in my life it's ridiculous. Some of the biggest events that have ever overtaken me seemed to compile into last year. So being eighteen was a learning and growing year for sure.
Despite my age I still tend to act my shoe size [which hasn't changed since I was in 8th grade..ugh]. While last year was a growing year for me, I was still able to be my silly self at times. It helped me cope with things. I think there's always a time for fun and sillyness, you gotta live a little.
This past year new friends have come into my life and some have left. - to the people who have entered my life and have forever have changed me, I want to say thank you. I'm sure yall know who you are. And to the people who I have yet to meet in the world, but God has it set that we will cross paths this upcoming year of my life.. I can't wait to meet you!   I love making new friends.
It took me until the end of my eighteenth year to notice all the things God did and notice that he was trying to teach me something. I have no idea what my nineteenth year holds, and it may take me until my 20th birthday to look back and see it all, but I am so excited for what my upcoming year of life holds!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Secure Within Insecurity

Today on Day 18 of my facebook photo '30 Days About Me' adventure it asked me to post a photo of an insecurity. I didn't post a photo of this one because I felt like there was too much behind it, so I decided to write about it instead.
 As a female, I experience many insecurities just as most girls do. One of them you could say I was born with, and it used to be a big one for a while. For those of you who don't know the whole background.. my little sister and I were born a little different. She was born with crossed eyes, I was just born with a lazy eye. Who knew little kids could be so unforgiving when they noticed you were a little different. Luckily I was a strong girl who didn't let much get to me. I like to think of myself like Nemo with his lucky fin. He's different than all the other fish, but he is still loved. [Hence why Finding Nemo is one of my favorite movies] DUH.    So I'm a little different, but I'm still so loved it's ridiculous.   Some of the time you can't even notice my eye.. it just wanders around by itself, and sometimes it happens to wander in the right direction. Sometimes it's a little more obvious haha. But here I am, using it as a tool to get to other people who may think they have something wrong with them.
- that goes for boys and girls
We should rejoice in this wonderful truth.
"I praise you,God,because of the way you made me. 
Everything you do is marvelous!" - Psalm 139:14
Most of you have heard that verse before but probably came about it differently. "I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." ... whatever way gets it through your head GOD MADE YOU WONDERFUL AND WITHOUT MISTAKES.

At a fairly young age I was reading Song Of Solomon. Which, for those of you who have never read it is basically a bunch of love notes back and forth between a lover and their beloved. - probably my favorite book in the Bible along with Psalm. BUT ANYWAYS as a kid I came across a verse that totally shook my world.
Song of Solomon 1:15- How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are like doves.
Even still, at a young age I had to step back and not totally lose it.
Oh, how I still long for the day when I'm married and my husband will read me that verse. And even more, how I long for the day when I meet my Savior face to face and he tells me such things. By then outward appearance won't even matter!    For those few who I've had conversations with and you've asked me what some of my favorite Bible verses were, you probably didn't know why this one was on the list, but now you know the story behind it!  Everyone has those moments when we don't feel so great, just always know that "God made you special, and He loves you VERY much!" 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Oh my goodness. Where to begin.. Last night my fellow blogger Briana and our friend Lauren set off on a quest. This quest we will call ..
                                                                        -            the OneRepublic concert. So we get there and we just soak up the music. OneRepublic is awesome live, and their music has always been impressive to me. Their song 'Apologize' is probably one of their most recognized there's just something about the lyrics, even to that particular song that I just connect to. Something as simple as "I need you like a heart needs a beat, but it's nothing new." can be so powerful.  I have posted those lyrics as my facebook status on multiple occasions, just because it can relate to so much. So of course when they played 'Apologize' I freaked out. Along with "Come Home" "Everybody Loves Me" "Good Life" and "Stop and Stare" - also some of my other faves.  By this point I was getting restless, I just wanted to go nuts. Soo I did. I ran up to the front of the theater and before I knew it I was touching the stage [and eventually Ryan Tedder].  The band was just as good, if not better, live. It was seriously such a great show.
Afterwards, me and the girls pulled a total stalker move. They knew where a back entrance was so we snuck around and waited for the bands to come out by their tour buses. We hung out with one of the opening bands for a bit, but ended up leaving before OneRepublic came out because we were pooped.   Then Briana pretty much drove us to Austin on accident on our way home ;) so that itself was an adventure.
Overall: AMAZING night.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Keep my heart in PURITY.

 Today I woke up and the first thing I did was turn on my recorded episode of Glee from last week. Quite a few people had been talking about it, I figured it was about time I watched it. Well, this episode was flat out about sex haha. The title, up to the songs they sang, and their conversations.
- Ive been waiting to write a blog about this, I guess this gave me an outlet haha.
For a practicing Christian teen [or even adult] we should know that sex is a gift from God for those who are married. NOBODY ELSE!  God knows what he's talking about regardless of how in love you think you are with your boyfriend or girlfriend! As a teen exposed to the real world,I've seen temptations for those our age and how a lot of people have given into having sex before they're married.
NEWSFLASH: 70% of High School students are virgins contrary to "everyone's doing it" myth.  
It also seems that confiding in THE lover of your soul by reading God's word makes that temptation so much more easy to resist. - sure teens will still have it, but they'll know right from wrong by reading what God has to say about it.
My brother tends to remind me of 1 Corinthians 7.  
1 Corinthians 7:9 states that  if "two cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion."
Along with that, we must also be pure in our hearts and our minds.

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see God!

That little beauty in the middle is my purity ring. It's my promise to most importantly God, and myself that I will remain pure until my wedding day, so that when I marry my husband I can start a life with him not having any regrets as far as him having all of me.

This past episode of Glee made people who wanted to save sex seem like total nerdbombers. When in reality, we have the better end of things and we won't have that emotional baggage that comes with relations with another person.

Marriage is such a beautiful thing. Why not make it more special by giving the one you love something so important.  

Friends, I know some of you have already embarked on this road. I just ask that you respect your bodies. They're God's temple! He loves you, despite what anyone else makes you feel like you need to accomplish. Anyone who makes you go through something before you're ready isn't worth it. There ARE people out there who will respect you.                                                                                                                                     -You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His.

 Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Flip Side

 Thursday ended on a pretty bad note, as you can tell from the previous blog. I was so ready to just get away from everything. Luckily the day after Thursday is Friday which means .. BEGINNING OF THE WEEKEND!  Ben had never been to Gruene, which is sort of a regular spot for my family. So we decided to do date night a little earlier in the week than usual and we took a little road trip.
That definitely made me feel better. Spending time with my boy seemed to help get my mind off things.
So thankful for those little blessings God has provided me that I call friends.  - Thank you to those of you who checked up on me. In just a couple weeks things will be rolling in a new direction, prayer is always welcomed.

Saturday consisted of grilling with the family and the Martins. - who I pretty much consider family. So that was a chill night.

Sunday had a WONDERFUL morning. Then in the afternoon We had tryouts for my church's Easter service. Which was something new, so we'll see how everything with that turns out!

This weekend was definitely a flip side to my lame end of the week.   I'm looking forward to making this week a great one!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Steal. Kill. & Destroy the enemy

  Yesterday was a pretty rough day. Made some huge decisions. I felt right about it in my heart, but when the time came to confront these problems, it didn't turn out as smoothly as I planned. As a matter of fact, it didn't turn out smoothly at all. - Apparently that was confirmation that I was doing the right thing. I shouldn't have been so upset, but I was and that was wrong.
Though the turnout wasn't as I was hoping .. I'm trying to see the brighter side. With this hard day satan tried to "Steal, kill and destroy" what I have that he doesn't like : JOY. What I've been writing about the past few weeks with my Bible study going on. The second part of John 10:10 , and the best news of all is that even when satan tries to steal such a great thing .. Jesus came so that we could enjoy life!
It's hard to find joy in the messy situations sometimes.    My Joyce Meyer devotional ended with this today : "Joy and enjoyment are available just as misery is available. Righteousness and peace are available and so are condemnation and turmoil."    -- YES! We have good and bad things set in front of us, it's our choice what we choose as far as our attitudes go.   I tend to pick the wrong one sometimes. I need reminders that even though the going gets tough,  there's just as much joy waiting for me as there is difficulty.
Please continue to pray for me and my future as it starts to take a turn. 

"your life does not have to stop so you can "go through" something. 
that would be a miserable life." - Misty Jones

It's time to pick things up and start truckin'..