Wednesday, December 11, 2013

through the storm He is Lord

Readers, please lift up my friend, and singing partner, Garrett in prayer tonight.
We found out some not so fun news today that his brain tumor has returned and I am choosing not to accept that! Please pray for his tumor removal surgery, his radiation therapy and for complete healing and NO more tumors in Jesus' name!
Garrett's friendship and wisdom has blessed me immensely and seriously has changed my college experience here. Garrett picked my voice out of a room of voices to sing with him at Texas State's FCA (total CRAZY God thing), which turned into singing at a church in Lockhart, which turned into singing at Texas State College Life and the many places (garages, classrooms etc.) in between.
Thankful that in the process of all our singing craziness we became such good friends and I had him to encourage me countless times in all areas of my life whether it be singing or even dancing when I was on the University's dance team. This guy was there cheering me on every step of the way.
He loves the Lord and it doesn't take long to notice that once you start talking to him or when you listen to him sing.

One of our favorite songs to sing together is Give Me Faith by Elevation Worship

The chorus and bridge are especially true for us tonight

Give me faith to trust what You say
That You're good, and Your love is great.
I'm broken inside, I give You my life.


I may be weak, but
Your Spirit's strong in me.
My flesh may fail, but
My God You never will.

The god that Garrett and I serve has never failed us, and this tumor isn't a sign of Him failing us now. In the context of God's strength, this tumor is so small. Thank you to those who are reading this and are praying for Garrett.

Feel free to leave prayers/ uplifting messages for Garrett here, on the post on facebook or on the YouTube video below.

Garrett has had this news before and he continued to sing to the Lord anyway. Here's a video of him and I at Texas State's College Life singing Cornerstone by Hillsong -- check out how the Lord blessed him with the gift of music

sorry for those experiencing difficulties with the video, hopefully it will fix itself soon haha!