Monday, June 24, 2013

A How To List From Peter

  How To: add to your faith
- A tutorial from Peter

Step 1: Add GOODNESS [do what you know is right]
Step 2: Add KNOWLEDGE [study The Word and pray without ceasing]
Step 3: Add SELF-CONTROL [operate in the spirit]
Step 4: Add PERSEVERANCE [see the Lord's tasks through, even when it's hard]
Step 5: Add GODLINESS [let others know who you belong to in the way that you act]
Step 6: Add AFFECTION AND LOVE [give your time and talents and life for others]

-- Father help me to strive for these things every day that I might strengthen my faith in You!
Thank You for using Peter to lay out a to do list [You know I love those] so simple and organized so that an obsessive compulsive girl like me can understand what it is that I can do to grow.
Praying that this list would turn into actions as I put them to use in my every day life.

Monday, June 3, 2013

"When Your words came, I ate them;

    they were my joy and my heart’s delight"

- Jeremiah 15:16

My cinnamon bunches of oats were nothing compared to the breakfast the Lord had waiting for me in His word this morning as I opened up to 1 Peter
"To God’s people, God the Father decided to choose you as His people, and His Spirit has made you holy. You have obeyed Jesus Christ and are sprinkled with his blood." -- me. He chose me.. to be set apart and sprinkled by His blood. He made me different. He made me forever long to see things through His eyes. Oh Spirit change me as I read Your truth! Where better to do work of the Gospel than here at this school that is dripping with sin and lost and confused souls? I think this was spot on seeing as I started summer school today. Sitting amongst people who may not know the God I know -- all I can do is shine and hope that they see a little of Him in the way I act. Here's to summer school adventures with my heavenly Daddy.

Thank you to my She Reads Truth sisters for praying over my first day! And thank you for pointing me in the direction of 1 Peter this morning, what a tasty treat for my hungry soul. 

Love to you all <3

Saturday, June 1, 2013


I started a new devotional today and today's title was "Hosanna!"
Reading through Matthew 21 as Jesus rides through Jerusalem on a donkey, the crowd shouts "Hosanna to the son of David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!" -- hosanna can mean multiple things; it can be an offering of praise or a cry for help and deliverance.
Riding through Jerusalem on that day, only the Lord knew the TRUE weight of "Hosanna!" (save us!). As I sit here tonight, I can't help but think of my own "hosanna" cries. The Lord is still the only one who knows the true weight of that cry, even as it comes from my heart here today.
Just days after these people were crying out to the Lord they turned on Him and crucified Him. Another parallel to my life as I fail Him daily -- yet He still hears. Yet He still saves us as we cry out to Him.

In Revelation [7:9-10] it shows us what Jesus must have been thinking about as He listened to the cries of His own persecutors. "I saw a large crowd with more people than could be counted. They were from every race, tribe, nation and language and they stood before the thrown before the Lamb. They wore white robes and held palm branches in their hands as they shouted "Our God who sits upon the throne has the power to save His people and so does the Lamb." "

What a beautiful sight.
He was all human and lived in that moment and felt the hurt of His people and later on His own personal hurt, but He too was all God and saw into the future what was awaiting Him at His throne.
What I would give to be able to live purely in the moment like Jesus. I already have outfits picked out for next month! I am a mess, He loves me still!

Have a great night my friends!