Sunday, July 24, 2011

Didn't know my last post would be me preaching to myself. This week took a turn very quickly. My Nonni went in for open heart surgery a little over a week ago and of course that comes with its own complications, side effects whatever. I honestly believed she was going to be fine even with the reports I had been getting. I prayed and I felt pretty calm about everything.   Today while I was half asleep my dad came into my room and told me he was going to drive up to where my Grandparents live, around the Texas Oklahoma border. Wasn't too long after he arrived that I got the worst phone call ever. My dad could barely make out words, I had to keep myself from crying too. He didn't think my Grandma was going to make it.   And just a little over an hour ago at 10:00pm, my Nonni passed away. Daddy was holding her hand.

So many things I wish I could say to you. I won't forget all the fun times we had baking random things together.  I got my sassiness and my sassy walk from you, I'll make you proud and carry on the legacy. I wish I was there with everyone, and I wish I could be with you where you are now. Shower your love on us and Grandaddy every day.  I'm honored that I could call a woman like you my Nonni.                    I love you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A few days ago in a conversation, the song Jesus loves me was brought up. Semi as a joke, but as I was reading through a devotional today some of the lyrics spoke to me through my passage.
-Yeah, I'm still that much of a kid that  'Jesus loves me' speaks to my heart.
We are weak but He is strong.
I'm the first to admit that things hurt me probably more easily than they should. I feel like I'm constantly putting up with some thing or some one, and it drains me.  I think our weakness is so beautiful though. It's in our points of weakness that God reveals His strength. We don't have anything else, but He is willing to be OUR strength and He can break us free from any bondage.

I am so thankful that JESUS loves me
and chooses to be my strength when I call upon Him.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

the beach

This past week/weekend the family had planned a trip to the beach, sort of as a celebration for my mom and our family and all we've gone through this past year. we like to go to the beach fairly frequently but weren't able to last year because of all of mom's stuff.
Dad and I went up before everyone else and we spent the night surf fishing which was fun, even though we didn't have much luck. The next day my mom and my little sister arrived and we had a fun dinner with some sweet potato fries at a little restaurant on the island. Then me and Dad went fishing with some friends at their beach house while mom and sister watched. They're lame. haha but we caught a few and it was a fun night.

I woke up the next morning and had my quiet time on the beach. I still am in awe when I think about it. Like sitting there in the midst of God's beautiful creation while reading words God has spoken to His people isn't something I took lightly. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. Even the seaweed, I didn't even care. Everything around me was unfathomable. I have NO idea where it came from, but a line from a Nicole C. Mullen song was stuck in my head that weekend and described my unattainable thoughts.Who told the ocean "You can only go this far." ? It's things like looking at the ocean that make you believe our Redeemer lives. I would go and stand in the ocean and just wonder how God made every wave crash in at all, yet alone rhythmically. I can't even begin to understand, and that's just the beginning of God's works.

After a wonderful morning some friends came in, who are basically family.We've known them forever and they've been a huge blessing to us especially this past year. We spent most of the day at the beach, Julia and I branched off and went to the pool for a bit. Then after everyone got freshened up we sat down at our table in the condo and had a nice dinner together and went out for ice cream which is one of my favorite food groups. 
Then Julia, Davis and I stayed up after everyone went to bed and watched Justin Bieber's Never Say Never. This was my second time seeing it, it still made me want to dance. It's like a singalong I swear.
The next morning I went down to the beach for some more quiet time. This time I added a little Kari Jobe on my ipod to the mix after I finished which was nice. Two random guys made fun of me for reading on the beach, then they noticed one of the books was my Bible and they all of a sudden had respect for me and wanted to be my friend. . . it was weird and I was busy listening to Kari Jobe, duh.   After quiet time I met up with the crew and went into the ocean for a little bit. Where at some point Davis managed to get stung by a jellyfish three times. That's talent. I'm not a big fan of being in the ocean, not sure why.. then I went up to the condo and took a shower and when I got out we had visitors!
Craig and Melissa hung out with us for a bit, so that was fun! They're precious. Later our little group went shopping then we went out to dinner where we saw a girl who looked like Taylor Swift. HAHAHA. anyways.
We then proceeded to take a nice night walk on the beach barefooted then came back to the condo and made s'mores :)
Then it was time to go. The next morning we packed up, took pictures, prayed and then headed out.  It was sad, really. I love the beach.

Of course, can't leave out the fact that I was sad because my buddy wasn't there..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This week started out as a total bust. I'm pretty sure everyone who has encountered with me knows I've been bummed, so I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself because there's nothing I can do about it! Haha but this week I've gotten to hang out with other people and it's been different.
I can tell God is putting new people in my life, and I'm loving it. Friendships with people who share your faith are so much different than any other friendships. God has even placed people in my life that I haven't even met face to face, yet they are a huge source of encouragement to me.

As believers, even just simply as FRIENDS.. we need to encourage one another. I don't think we do that enough. I think people underestimate the power of encouragement. I've seen what it does, and honestly I love to encourage other people. IT JUST FEELS GOOD. - the text message from your friend that you totally weren't expecting but it made your day, the wall post that the cutest boy ever just posted on your wall for the whole world to see, the simple act of spending time with someone who needs it, the positive thoughts you share with someone who is thinking negatively.   I'm not the best at all of those, but I know the feeling whenever people make me feel special and encourage me and give me strength.    I think really good friends do that.

I suppose I can rant about that in another blog.. ANYWAYS 4th of July I began by spending it with my family. It was pretty special this year, I got to spend time with my cousin who is in the military and got to come home and visit :) Then I spent most of the night time with the Kingery family. Always good times there. For sure.
Then tonight I got to have dinner with a bunch of my mom's side of the family which is usually a little crazy, but hey. It was fun I guess haha. It's been pretty eventful.
Tomorrow I leave for the beach. I have mixed feelings haha I absolutely LOVE the beach. It's just so beautiful and relaxing, but it would be such a different experience with my bestie alongside me.  I'll try to update while I'm at the beach! I haven't posted on here in a while, life has sort of been out of whack, but maybe I'll slide back into things soon.

Benjamin, if you read this I hope you're having a great time in Alaska schooling Asians in ping pong competitions. I miss you SO much and am praying you return home safely to me! I love you.