Friday, April 22, 2011

First things first, we kicked off our Easter services at CBC last night. It turned out to be more than I expected. It turned out to be more than any of the dancers expected, I know that. Our practices are never the same as actual performances for more reasons than one. Our first dance for the service went all right, the second one that I was in totally caught me off guard. I had never felt that way doing that dance before. Some of us were almost moved to tears last night. GOD WAS IN THAT ROOM!
- Keep praying the next 5 services come to be even MORE powerful!

But anyways, the real point of this blog is because it's been a little over a year since my mom was diagnosed with her cancer. I have a friend whose mom is currently battling and is not thinking things are looking good for her.      This is for you :)
I had a dream about you last night, I felt like I needed to talk to you somehow. I've read your blogs and I've talked to you about all of this before my mom was even diagnosed. I will always be here for you. When you talk about feeling helpless, I can say I know EXACTLY how you feel. You wish you could say or do something to make your mom feel better, but you can't. I can just tell you've been such a great support system for her though, you're all she has and she is very lucky to have you! You're not in a nightmare, you're building your testimony! There is a purpose for EVERYTHING, even the bad stuff.
I'm praying for you and your momma. There is nothing He above cannot heal! We serve a POWERFUL God!  He is our healer and our portion!    
Y'all aren't alone :)     On this good friday we reflect that by HIS wounds WE are healed! This day over 2000 years ago Jesus was nailed to a cross, when He left .. he took all the pain, suffering, sin, DISEASES with Him. He felt what we feel and doesn't want us to suffer .. through Him we can be strong!  He may have died on this day .. but don't forget that 3 days later He rose again! We can be revived as well.

I love you amy!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Prayer and Ice.

It's about that time again .. satan is trying to attack me before I set out to 'do work' for God. Every time I'm involved in something big that's going to benefit the Kingdom, it happens. Sometimes it's little things, other times it's huge things that he throws at me to try to knock me down. This time the big event I'm gearing up for is Easter week at my church. I've been dancing or singing in these holiday services for as long as I can remember and each time satan sees all that we put into things such as celebrating the life of Jesus and hates it. Well, first off .. GOOD. That means we're doing something right. Second, that means the devil is probably going to have some scheme trying to screw with us. . and he usually fails. The power of God can overcome ANYTHING, even the plots of the wicked. 
Sometimes when we set out to do something good for God, it feels like bad things try to knock us down, so we can't handle it. - Don't fall for it! The outcome and reward will be so much greater than whatever is trying to make you fall. 
"I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through 
And I will go through the valley If You want me to"
- such appropriate words for this time of year as we rejoice in our risen Savior and the trials He we through for us ... for YOU!
The best thing we can do when we ourselves face tough times, is pray. As we were practicing our dance for the Easter service our choreographer said "The only things you need are prayer and ice." - there was a story behind it, you had to be there .. but I couldn't let it go. For one, I was laughing so hard because as a Christian dancer, that phrase is so true .. even though that's not what our conversation was referring to at all. Our prayer and ice conversation wasn't even close to the topic of dance, but we soon related it to dance anyways haha. And another because both of those things have the ability to heal. I drew a connection and repeated that phrase so many times that day. 
I'm using this power tool [prayer, not ice .... YET. I'm sure I'll need plenty of both this week though] first, for all of us involved in this service this week. For most of us, we've been doing this since we were little, it's second nature, we easily forget what we're setting out to do or who we're impacting. Community Bible Church is a mega church, meaning SO many people fill up those seats and fauer area. - ALL of those people are going to be effected by what we do! I'm praying that we all get our hearts right this week, and that we all build up the strength to endure the sucky times that we may be faced with before we're on that stage. Remember who you're doing this for! Easter is a celebration for Him!
Second, I know plenty of people going through tough times of their own who aren't involved in this service. Just know that I hear what you say and take it to heart, and when I say I pray for you, I mean it. Praying God heals, restores, strengthens, and changes my friends this week.

Come to this awesome service that people are pouring their lives into for the benefit of making Him glorified! Community Bible Church off of 1604 and Gold Canyon 
Thursday April 21st at 7pm, Friday April 22nd at 7pm, Saturday April 23rd 5pm or Sunday April 24 at 9am,11am, or 1pm 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Life of an Insomniac

I haven't written in a while .. every time the past few weeks I've tried to write something it hasn't felt right, so I haven't posted anything I've written.
At 4:00am this morning I was awakened. There was no sound that woke me up, there was really no reason other than the Lord wanted me to spend time with him. So as I'm writing this at 5:30am .. the past hour and a half that's what I've been doing.
If you've read a little bit older posts of mine, you'd know that I went through a Bible study for women about the seasons of our life. Mostly emotional seasons (Winter was the cold,rough times etc.) , but what the Lord drew to my attention today was that I'm about to be going through a pretty big season of change. - hah, thanks a lot God.  - Honestly I may have been trying to avoid this obvious truth, maybe that's why He woke me up today.         It's amazing what peace praying can bring, especially when you do it out loud. GOD HEARS US! It's a beautiful thing.

As this apparent season of change is arising, I need to remind myself to think less and pray more. Anyone reading this feel free to keep me accountable because I have the tendency to get all worked up and forget about the strong presence that calms me down the most.
God has been telling me to trust HIM, that not everything is going to go the way I want it to but I have to believe that everything He does will work together for my good. And sometimes my good means things can go my way, I just have to wait and see!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6