Tuesday, November 25, 2014

the book of titus

This year was Texas State Young Life's first year to have a team of leaders for our college ministry. Almost a full semester into the year we discovered the need for team leaders - and the three in the picture above (lol at Gabe's face) were the people chosen for the job.
chosen. I've had such a hard time believing that I was chosen, that I was "made for this". It was probably about a week after I became a team leader that I felt the spiritual battle so strong within me that it was overwhelming to the point that I literally felt a heaviness about me. All of this came from a place of thinking that for some reason I was unworthy of this job.
After days of feeling sorry for myself, I had something happy to look forward to. The recently chosen team leaders had the opportunity to represent our Young Life area at the Young Life College Summit. The three of us walked into the first seminar late because we had to go to class that morning, but as soon as I sat down all I heard echoing off the walls was "you've been given authority over all powers of the enemy." ; authority - another word that has felt a little out of place in my life lately. My team and I have been going through the book of Titus together and each chapter brings up authority and how we should go about it. Then there I was struggling with the fact that I was given authority, to a certain degree, over this precious team..and I didn't think I deserved it or that other people thought I deserved it and then I walk in and hear how God has GIVEN me this authority. Over the team and over those toxic thoughts from the enemy. The speaker continued to tell me (well, it felt like he was just talking to me) that I didn't choose to be in the position that I was in, God placed me there. He told me that someone had prayed for someone just like me to take the role that I was in while Young Life College at Texas State University was just an idea in the works. God's words are always so timely.

This past Monday when I met with my small group one of my girls requested prayer because she was just promoted at her job and the people she was over are older than her and they weren't receiving her new authority well.
- I smiled inside-
God doesn't waste our hurt ; He uses it for good, He uses it for His glory. He'll take you through something and somewhere down the road you can walk someone else through it. Having recently been struggling with some of the same things I was able to give her the same words of truth that were spoken to me, and as a body of Christ I think that's what we're supposed to do.

Being a leader comes with a lot.. but you're equipped. you're chosen and as prepared as you're ever gna be. Keep at it, keep doing good and even hard things for the sake of the Gospel - it's worth it.

keep pressing on, friends. you're doing great where you're at.