Friday, March 29, 2013

I was made for this.

A lot of you know I've been going through training to be a Young Life leader. I've been mentally preparing myself for if this is even something that would be for me since before I even got to this University. Once I actually got to dive in, something clicked that maybe didn't click with the jillion of other organizations that I tried out when I got here. All of them great, not all of them made for this imperfect girl with a fire for the Lord and a childlike heart (and appearance so I've been told..). The sense of belonging was good. I don't know that I've ever felt so pursued for friendship than with the friends I've made through Young Life. We all want to be together all the time. I took that feeling of belonging and happiness that this organization gave me and ran with it and began training this Spring. Young Life at this University is by no means a huge organization.. we're tiny. Because of this, our training process is a lot different than most schools. It's more intimate, which is great. And sometimes even a little nerve racking because you don't just slip through the cracks. Your area director knows your name and how many times you went to college club before you even started training. You know everyone in your pledge class. The interview process is different. The list goes on. Sometimes it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel "Am I ever going to be a leader?!". For homework one week we were told to set aside an hour or so to pray and make sure that being a leader is really what we were called to do. I asked and Daddy showed up. Scripture after scripture confirming "Ali, YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS." So I kept pressing on, eventually started shadowing a WyldLife club. Liked it. Had my final interviews and had a certain school that I thought I would get placed at in the area. It's where I thought I should be placed. With that in mind I anxiously awaited placement day.

This past Sunday I was given a CRAZY awesome birthday gift.
The gift of NOT being placed with the school I thought I should be placed at.
The gift of being placed where the Lord led my area directors to place me.
The gift of a new family.
The gift of being placed at ... WIMBERLEY HIGH SCHOOL.

The second they called my name my heart knew this was a match! I didn't have a single second guess. Three of my close friends that I made through training got placed on my team, but after spending time with everyone who had just gotten placed on the team + the old members.. I was obsessed with all of them. So much that I spent the next night with them (which just so happened to be my 21st birthday) because I just wanted to get to know them more. 
We had club on my birthday, started off the night by blaring / screaming Taylor Swift's 22 and had a blast with our high schoolers. I can't wait to work alongside these hilarious, energetic and loving people.

I am confident in this; 
That He who began a good work in me didn't set a desire in my heart and then change His mind and take it away in the middle of leadership training.
That He who began a good work in me completed it the day I was placed with my Wimbo team.
That He who began a good work is about to start a new work in me 

..called being a Young Life leader.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Acting crazy, Making a scene, Like it's her birthday.

Oh man, birthday week guys.
Blessed beyond what I can even comprehend with this little mind of mine.
The day before my birthday I was finally placed on a Young Life team (I have a whole other blog about that coming later). After placement a few of my friends came over and got me a cake and we just hung out, which was fun. Then I actually spent most of my night / morning working on / worrying about a project. Yes, on my 21st birthday people. Tell me how cool I am. 
I had a really rough start to my day, I was focusing on myself and what I was lacking. 
The day before I had pretty much just cancelled all of my plans to celebrate my birthday with other people, it was stressing me out. So after a long day at school I went to Young Life with my new team. It was absolutely what I needed. Focusing on Jesus and not myself. Having dance parties and screaming songs at the top of my lungs. I'm not your typical 21 year old and it doesn't really bother me. I've never been one for being normal, why start now :)

Both of my roommates are 21 so when I got home late from club they were there waiting for me and we had our first night of being adults together. It was a nice end to the night and I looked back on the day thankful. Thankful God chose me to live this life.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's always like Spring time with You; making all things new

It's the week after spring break, I figured I should update about it!

I left to go back home a day earlier than planned because my family had flown in and had been at my parent's house for a few days, so everyone was posting pictures of my nephew and I just couldn't wait to see them any longer.We had family time which we never get to do since my older sister lives out of town. We also celebrated my sister's birthday while she was here so that was fun!

After a few days at home I went to Mission Austin 2013 with FEFC.
Me and 3 other college kids (and our friend Kirsten who invited us on this adventure) were leaders of a group of middle schoolers and we fixed up a children's home all week and glorified the Lord while doing it! It was bunches of fun. The kids were crazy and I got to spend the week with some fun people.

I went back home for a few days then went to SXSW with Daddy, so that was fun.

I spent my last day of break doing a live recording with some friends then went to my last Young Life leadership training! It was such an eventful break and I can't wait to share what all is going on in my life with yall!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Birthdays and Cupcakes

My big sister, brother in law, nephew (and soon to be niece or nephew -- my sister is preggo again!) flew into Texas for me and my little sister's spring break. Today is big sister's birthday so we got to do some shopping and fun stuff today!

Tonight for dessert I baked cupcakes for sister's birthday!
For those of you who don't know, I love to bake haha. If you want to make these cute cupcakes in a cone it's really simple :)

Get cake mix, the ingredients it tells you on the back of the box (eggs,vegetable oil, etc.), ice cream cones, icing and if you want to make them fun get some sprinkles!
Make the cake batter as usual and fill up the cones halfway (the batter will expand in the oven) then follow the baking directions for the cake. Most say to bake at 350 degrees for about 20 or so minutes, but make sure you check what your specific mix says. Once the cupcakes look done and may have a little browning at the top, let the cupcakes cool BUT get a fork and gently poke holes at the bottom of the cone so that the cake on the inside of the cone can cool as well. Once they've cooled ice, sprinkle and enjoy!