Saturday, February 19, 2011

So wonderful in all You do.

In June of 1996 my baby sister was born. The Doctor's thought she had Polio, and told us she would probably never be able to walk. Along with those complications she had muscle issues elsewhere and had to receive eye surgery at a very young age. The little girl who was expected to never take a step competed with a dance solo at Texas State for a Showmaker's Of America competition this weekend.
Just goes to show that God has bigger plans for us than we could ever imagine. She even used a song, which she stumbled upon by listening to her older sister's ipod *cough cough* You Are For Me- Kari Jobe. She got to minister to people through her God given talent. She did so well, and I'm a proud big sister. Dance is a big thing in our family, all of the girls in our family are dancers so we mean business.
Her team, Churchill Pep-Squad ended up winning the state championship :) 
What a great feeling knowing all that hard work payed off! 

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