Wednesday, January 1, 2014

a new year; a new song

2013 was CrAzY. I retired from dance and jump started being a Young Life leader where I've made some of my dearest college friends.
The Lord's favor in my life was so evident in 2013 and I am believing that His favor will carry over to 2014 exceeding what I experienced this past year.

Lots of new friendships were made, lots of photos were taken, lots of roads were traveled, lots of concert tickets were purchased, lots of songs were sung.    Oh, and I turned 21 which is always nice.

2013 I became a fan of Katy Perry with the release of her song Roar. Before that I wasn't necessarily into her music, but now it's a completely different story. For me, I see Roar as a statement about finding your identity in the Lord and not in a man or the crazy world we live in. This is one song I am singing over 2014.
My friend's little sister and I were messing around the other day and decided to record our version of the song -- you can check it out here if you want!

I brought in the new year with a new hair-do. I donated 12inches of my hippie hair in honor of my friends/ family being affected by cancer right now. I seriously think the Lord gave me a gift, if that's what you would call it, when it comes to growing hair so that I could do things like this. I LOVE my hair (most of the time), I've never dyed it in my life besides crazy colored streaks under my hair when I'm feeling wild. I tell people often that I feel a bit like Samson in the Bible when Delilah has a man cut his hair  #christiangirlproblems  haha -- I'm so attached to my hair (literally and emotionally haha) so it's definitely hard watching people cut it off, but it's painful in the best way. I've walked through the cancer journey with friends and family who have lost their hair.. I've been on that end so I know what a blessing Locks of Love is and I would be crazy not to be a part of this with my hair growing at the rate that it does. 
This haircut is a reflection of me, a new me. This year I'm going to receive more confidence, I'm going to stop letting my past steal joy from my future, I'm going to sing..a lot and laugh.. a lot, I'm going to worry less and pray more, I'm going to accept the offer that Jesus gives me every day to be free from emotional bondage/ baggage. I'm going to love Jesus above all. 
2014 is off to a great start .. WHEE!

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