Saturday, January 25, 2014

Love wins in the end

thankful that none of my mistakes have made my God love me any less. thankful that God's grace is bigger than any sin that I may commit. thankful that no matter how far I stay, when I turn to back to find Him after I've lost my way - He's right where I left Him waiting for me with open arms.

thankful for little justin bieber and his talent portrayed through music that can get me dancing and happy like none other. thankful for the life he speaks to his fans telling them to follow their dreams and believe in themselves and even posting truth and scripture from time to time.

ya see, it's been a hard week in the life of justin bieber and sometimes I forget how this whole sin thing works and often think what other people do is worse than anything I could ever do, why can't they just be a better christian like me..right?

WRONG. that's what satan wants me to believe. it's called pride - and it's a sin too.
 well here I am on a public blog calling myself out - I get prideful from time to time (I'd like to think I'm not the only one). but when I sit back and think about it, the fact that I can well up with pride and think that my sins are less than anyone else's is a lie, not to mention cRaZy. Romans 3:10 says that none are righteous .. no, not a single one of us. So before you start saying hurtful things about justin or whoever else in your life, think about that. I'll do my best to do the same. It's not easy.  Romans 3:1-20 is an awesome passage about how we're all pretty messed up, good reminder that we're all human and do some 'not so smart things', and some of us have more spotlight on those 'things' and it amplifies the problem even though it's not worse than if someone who wasn't famous would have done it. it's bad, bottom line.

"aren't you a little old to be a belieber? and you're supporting someone who just got a DUI.....ok."    // I know it's what some of you are thinking. yes, I'm a fan of the biebs, and I am most certainly not saying his behavior is ok. I'm in no way supporting getting a DUI or any of his other fall outs that he has had lately. AT ALL, actually. I'm just supporting the Biblical principle of GRACE and forgiveness.

The Lord looks at all of our sins the same, no sin is bigger than another and the greatest news? God's grace is big enough to cover them ALL.

our Father HATES when we sin. it hurts Him, a lot. but even though we mess up from time to time He loves us (the same amount of love before we sinned, HIS LOVE NEVER CHANGES EVEN IF WE SCREW UP). our Father loves it when we repent and turn from our sins. we're all going to mess up again, it's inevitable. now don't do it on purpose, that's like intentionally wanting to hurt someone's feelings -- because that's exactly what it is. but know that you're not ever too far from God for Him to forgive you and bring you back. He's really nice like that.

yes, after all of this mess I'm still a belieber.
people make jokes, but every time I force someone to watch a justin bieber movie with me -- they get chills or teary eyed or sing along to a song (or all of them) because you just can't help it. it stinks hearing some males who constantly bash justin because the ladies dig him and he's more successful than them. yes he does deserve the position he's in, he works hard and despite some people's beliefs I (and obviously plenty of other people) think he is gifted in what he does. looking past some crazy decisions, this kid is a fellow believer in Jesus Christ, we should be loving him! it's inspiring to me to see a little boy born from a teen mother who started out playing his guitar on the side of the street sell out Madison Square Garden as a teenager. God can/ will do the craziest things through the most unlikely people.

this may be silly, but it's what was on my heart today.
hope you never forget that God's grace can outdo your past

hate may win some battles, but Love wins in the end 

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